Thurified in Temples of King Dinh, King Le and Ly Thai To Memorial House

Posted On 19/12/2013

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of re-establishment of Ninh Binh province, and 5 years of establishment of Ninh Binh city and Festival of Hoa Lu Ancient Capital in 2012, in the afternoon of 28th March, the Delegation on behalf of the Provincial Committee of the Party, People’s Council, People’s Committee, The Vietnam Fatherland Front in Ninh Binh province thurified in Temples of King Dinh and King Le and Ly Thai To Memorial House.

 Các đại biểu dự lễ dâng hương. Ảnh: Thế Minh
The delegates in the thurible ceremony. Photo: The Minh

Presented at the thurible ceremony by Mr. Bui Van Nam, the Central Party Commissioner and Provincial Party Committee Secretary; Mr. Nguyen Tien Thanh, the Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council, comrades in the Standing Committee; leaders of Departments and sectors of the Province; representatives of Hoa Lu district, and Truong Yen commune together with full of the local inhabitants.

The thurible ceremony is an opportunity for the Party Committee, the Government and the People in the Province to gratefully commemorate the traditional heroes who had great credits in the struggle for the national construction and defence of the nation.

Quoc Khang

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